Easy Crockpot Chicken Pot Pie
Todays lunch was sooooo tasty. 

Bringing you along the journey of meal prep & trying new recipes

This was crockpot chicken pot pie 

I did a very small recipe to try it & because I have to do different crockpots for me vs Trevar since I am allergic to the ingredients your suppose to use 🤣

Nicole’s crockpot: 
1/2 can cream of chicken
1/8th cup homemade chicken broth
2 handfuls green beans
2 handfuls peas
Small sprinkle onions
Handful Culiflower rice 
Rotisserie chicken 
Basil, garlic powder, garlic salt

Trevar’s Crockpot:
1/2 can cream of chicken
1/8th cup homemade chicken broth
2 handfuls of pre frozen veggie mix - carrots, green beans, corn, peas
Small sprinkle onions
Rotisserie chicken 
Basil, garlic powder, garlic salt

Both crockpots were cooked on low for about 4 hours
Than served over biscuits 

First time doing a ‘chicken pot pie’ recipe & it was soo tasty. 

Definitely recommend

Here is the full recipe to make the normal batch 


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