Take the guesswork out of enjoying this oily lifestyle by educating yourself with fun, easy to understand and simple to "apply" (see what I did there?) classes! Start here with some basic classes and then scroll down for more topic specific or seasonal classes. 

There are so many Essential Oil companies out there. What is the difference between Young Living & all the oils in the grocery store?

Learn about the best and safest ways to use Essential Oils as we dive into the most popular oils and how you can use them everyday! 

You have your start kit and you love it! But now you're wondering what other things you "should" have always known about too. This class dives into the next best steps!  

Learn how to get lots of freebies, subsidized shipping, money back & more!
Discover how to eliminate the harmful chemicals in your home and replace them with safe and effective products. 

A comprehensive class about the history of CBD, the science behind its effectiveness, and the benefits to using Nature's Ultra CBD oil that is infused with Young Living Essential Oils.

Learn about this amazing, antioxidant-filled super-fruit drink that is amazing for the entire family. Discover ways to incorporate it into your daily life from breakfast all the way through to the popsicles!


There is so much hustle & bustle in the world. Do you remember to take time for YOU? I know many of us, put "us" last. Check out these links to learn how oils can help with this! 

We all need emotional support as we navigate our daily lives. This class goes over Essential Oils blends that were designed specifically for emotional support and how you can incorporate them into your routine.   
Get the tips and tricks to practice daily self-care with Young Living's Premium Starter Kit oils and all-star favorites. 

Learn how to stay more calm and relaxed during the day and enjoy better sleep at night to live a happier life. 

Who knew that hormones affected so much of how our body functions?! This class dives into some of the best products you can use to support your mood, cycle, skin, hair, etc (I said they affected a lot!)  

We spend a lot of time discussing women's hormones but what about the men in our life? Let's learn a little bit more about the products and oils that may support him best too.

When we are putting others first, one of the areas we slack on is having a healthy weight. Choosing unhealthy food options or just not having the time to eat. Learn how YL can support you in having a healthy weight.


Knowing how to use Essential Oils with the smaller members of our family is important from a safety perspective but also can be one of the most beneficial uses for them when you're a parent! Here are some great classes to give you ideas and practical ways to use them for your own family. 
Discover how to support a healthy pregnancy and labor using Essential Oils in this class. Let's do whatever we can to make their "transition" to the world a little smoother - for baby and mama! 
There's so much to learn as a new mom / dad & on top of that, suddenly you are supposed to read the ingredient label of every product you are putting on yourself and your baby?! Who has time for that? Check out YL's whole line of baby products that will make your life simpler, safer and a whole lot better smelling! 
Being a parent is challenging. Being a parent of a child with special needs can be even more challenging. However, with the extra challenges come extra rewards. This class focuses on using essential oils to support you and your child through life's daily challenges, helping you both achieve the best version of yourself in the process.  

Is it just me or do your kids bring home so much more than just homework from school and daycare? Learn how to keep your kiddos healthy with this unique line of oils and products designed specifically for your little ones!  

Yes, you read that right. Oils ARE SAFE for animals - when used properly & safely! Learn how you can use oils for the furry member of your family.
My Wish List Keeps Growing!
When I first joined Young Living, I was so interested in all the products, but was overwhelmed by all of the information. If you are too, don't worry. I just gave your HOW MANY links?

If you are new here,  just start by contacting me. I am happy to guide you through the process & make this as easy as possible.

If you've been around for a while, don't feel like you need to know everything. You wont. I am still learning new things everyday! I am always just a phone call, text, or email away to help you with everything you need.

If you want to know how to get the best bang for your buck, make sure you check out the Essential Rewards Program to learn about all the freebies you can get.

If your wish list is growing, contact me to find out how you can get your oils for FREE!


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